Abortion Procedures and Risks
Medical Abortion
Mifeprex™, Mifepristone, RU-486
On March 30, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration released new labeling information on the Mifeprex (mifepristone/misoprostol) medical abortion protocol. Mifeprex is now approved, in a regimen with misoprostol, to end a pregnancy through 70 days gestation (70 days or less since the first day of a women’s last menstrual period). The approved dosing regimen is:
- On Day One: 200 mg of Mifeprex taken by mouth
- 24 to 48 hours after taking Mifeprex: 800 mcg of misoprostol taken buccally (in the cheek pouch), at a location appropriate for the patient.
- About seven to fourteen days after taking Mifeprex: follow-up with the healthcare provider to make sure the abortion is complete and to check for complications.
- Because of the risk of serious complications, Mifeprex is only available through a restricted program. This program requires abortion providers to warn patients about the risks and what to do if complications happen. Women who have taken Mifeprex should seek immediate medical care for:
- Sustained fever, severe abdominal pain, prolonged heavy bleeding, or fainting.
- Abdominal pain or discomfort, or general malaise (“feeling sick,” including weakness, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, with or without fever) for more that 24 hours after taking misoprostol.
- These symptoms could be a sign of serious complications.
Surgical Abortions
Up to 13 weeks LMP
- Cervix softened using luminaria and/or vaginal medication the night before
- Local anesthetic injected in cervix
- Cervix stretched open using metal dilating rods
- Plastic tube inserted in the uterus & connected to an electric or manual vacuum device that pulls the fetus’s body apart & out
- A curette may also be used to scrape any remaining fetal parts out of the uterus
- Removed tissue examined to verify completeness
Serious physical complications are infrequent Bleeding Infections Incomplete abortion Allergic reaction to meds Organ damage
13 weeks LMP and up
- Cervix softened using luminaria and/or vaginal medication for 2 days before procedure
- Local anesthetic & sedation given, or general anesthesia, if available
- Cervix further stretched open with metal dilating rods
- Forceps used to pull fetal parts out through the cervix
- Account for all fetal body parts: skull, spine, ribcage, four limbs
- A curette or suction is used to remove any remaining tissue or blood clots
- Incomplete abortion with retained tissue
- Heavy bleeding
- Reactions to anesthesia
- Infection
- Organ damage
- Risk of complication & death increases with duration of pregnancy
24 weeks LMP and up
- Takes 2-3 days
- Lethal injections may be given to stop the baby’s heart
- Cervix softened & dilated for 3 days prior using luminaria & vaginal medication
- General anesthesia may be used, if available, or IV sedation & local anesthetic
- Surgical instruments used to grasp & pull fetal parts out through the open cervix
- An alternative procedure, “intact D&E,” attempts to remove the fetus in one piece, reducing the risk to the mother
- Fetal skull usually needs to be crushed before removal
- Increased risk to the life & health of the mother
- Highest risk of death with a rate of about 1 per 11,000
- Anesthesia complications
- Heavy bleeding
- Embolism
- Infection
- Organ damage
Selected References: beforeyoudecide.info
Abortion is not just a simple procedure. Abortion has been associated with preterm birth, emotion and psychological impact, and spiritual consequences. Please contact us so that you can make a fully informed decision. (845) 471-9284.
Our Services
Our free and confidential services include: self-administered pregnancy tests, referrals for limited obstetrical ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy, options coaching, accurate and sourced information about abortion, community referrals, material resource program, Baby Basics Parenting Class, Abortion Recovery Support Groups, individual abortion recovery support, Sexual Integrity Workshops, adoption referrals.
Regular Hours:
9 am - 4 pm
9 am - 4 pm
10 am - 4 pm
4 pm - 5:30 pm by
appointment only
10 am - 4 pm
Closed Friday
Contact Us
226 Church Street (location)
PO Box 2118 (mailing)
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone or Text:
(845) 471-9284
Fax: (845) 471-9310
About Us
Integra Pregnancy Services provides free, confidential services to assist with unexpected pregnancy.
Integra Pregnancy Services does not perform or refer for abortions.
All our services are free and confidential.
Integra Pregnancy Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EIN 14-1691505